Desertcart Affiliate Program


Desertcart Affiliate Program

Desertcart is the leading E-commerce online searching website to shop for stuff you don't notice within the MENA at the foremost unbelievable costs. Over 50 Million products square measure being brought on-demand from all around the world with priority delivery to UAE, Saudia Arabia, Oman, Kuwait, and Bahrain. To high best-in-class client service expertise. They provide Free Delivery products in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, Al Ain, Ajman, and more cities in UAE. Free shipping in 164+ countries with Desertcart Plus membership. They deliver the Free Delivery products speedily without the hassle of shipping, customs or duties. The company headquarters is located in Dubai, UAE. The company has its legally registered offices in the UAE, UK, USA, and India. They follow all the rules and regulations of all the countries they operate in.

 Desertcart Affiliate Program

Desertcart is one of the leading e-commerce in UAE & GCC from where you will buy a variety of products. It is the most effective online searching portal to shop for authentic and real products. Whether or not you are trying to find products of designer brands or casual stuff for your entire family, you may realize it at Desertcart. Their main goal is to produce high-quality products and services to all or any of their customers. Look from Desertcart is a web auction website that sells everything from attire and piece of furniture to record and physics at competitive costs.  Their reviews, connect several consumers and sellers around the world, empowering people and making an economic chance for all.

 Desertcart Affiliate Program details:

Website: Desertcart

 Available tracking methods - Tracking cookies, unique codes, tracking links

Link-tracking is available on Desktop/Mobile Web/Mobile App using browser cookies.

Payment Cycle

Before the 20th monthly on paid transactions by the advertiser

Commission Rates- login to check

Categories: Fashion, Shopping, Home Appliances, Electronics

Cookie period: 30 Days

Terms and conditions for Desertcart Affiliate Program:

Sales will be tracked from links and Coupon used

Publishers may not bid on any of the Desercart terms or variations in paid search ads, such as Google Adwords, Google PPC, and Facebook Ads.

Publishers may not use the Desertcart name or any of its variations in pop-ups.

Publishers may not promote Desertcart in any sexually explicit materials, violent materials, or any illegal activities.

Any kind of political, controversial, and disastrous information, video, or hashtag should not be used for the promotion of the brand.

Policy: Conversions from any brand that they commit brand bidding with will be all rejected.

Affiliate FAQs

What is the Desertcart Affiliate Program?

The Desertcart Affiliate Program at Fly Media Network allows affiliates: Social Media Influencer, Bloggers, Information sites, Coupon sites, and Price Comparison & Review sites to earn a commission by referring users to

Affiliates can earn a commission for every purchase routed from their platform to through the affiliate links or codes provided by Fly Media Network.

Where can I join the Desertcart Affiliate Program?

#1. Register at Fly Media

#2. Fly Media publisher will review and approve your profile.

#3. Once it will be approved log into your dashboard and view all offers and commissions

 How does the Desertcart Affiliate Marketing Program work?

If you have already got an account at Fly Media Network, Login or follow the above steps!

Search for Desertcart under find & browse to get information about the terms & conditions, & commissions

Some offers needed approval before promoting. ‘Request for the Approval if interested, we are going to review and approve your request.

Get tracking links or create deep links.

Download creatives code or request for creatives for your code.

View report to check conversions.
